November Leg Protection Blog

Long live the helmet!

11th of September 2019, Tessa Janssen

Do you remember the last time you took a tumble from your horse? Well, I bet you were very pleased you were wearing some head protection! Your riding helmet certainly helped prevent some bad bumps and bruises and reduced the risk of even more serious injury. Accidents are just waiting to happen: something we all tend to forget. After all, horse riding is all about relaxation, fun and the close relationship with your four-legged best friend. But occasionally it’s a good idea to devote the same amount of attention to your riding helmet.  Read more.

November Leg Protection Blog

Leg protection: Everything you must know

1 november 2018, Garbrielle van Zuilen

Unfortunately, horses are not always as careful with themselves as we would like them to be. As soon as your horse loses another shoe or trips over its own feet while riding again, the temptation to wrap your horse in bubble wrap can become overwhelming... Read more.

November Gel and Sheepskin Blog

Why we all love gel and sheepskin half pads

1st of November 2018, Garbrielle van Zuilen

Most equestrians immediately associate the words ‘gel’ and ‘sheepskin’ with half pads even though there are many other products made of these materials, just think of girths, seat savers or even leg protection. Yet the association with half pads is not surprising... Read more.

August Bridle Blog

A bit about bridles

 16th of Augustus 2018 / Garbrielle van Zuilen

What are you looking for in a bridle? Do you prefer an anatomical bridle with patent leather and shiny diamonds for a lasting impression, or are you going for a more traditional look? In the end a bridle is not just a fashion statement, a well fitted bridle can make it easier to put your horse on the bit. Bridles are available in many shapes and sizes, yet a bridle might fit one horse perfectly while it is uncomfortable for the other... Read more.

July Bit Blog 2

A mouth full: different bits

 3rd of August 2018 / Garbrielle van Zuilen

Where to start with so many available bits? As overwhelming as choosing a bit can be, it is an important part of the tack that deserves more attention than it generally gets. When a bit does not fit right, the horse may show difficulties in using its body properly or show other signs of discomfort. Considering every horse has its own unique anatomy and preferences, it is impossible to offer a ‘quick-fix’ suitable for every horse..... Read more.

July Bit Blog 1

For the real connoisseur: a different taste for every bit

16th of July 2018 / Micha van Rheden

Does your horse accept the bit? Various factors complicate the search for the right bit, one of which is the anatomy of the horse’s mouth. The space and the shape of the mouth, tongue and bars largely determine which type of bit best suits the horse. The shape, material and taste... Read more.